Biomechanical problems

“Biomechanics” means the way our joints and muscles work and move together. It applies to the whole body but is most commonly used in patients with problems with knees, hips and feet. A physiotherapist will look at the posture of your foot statically and dynamically to address any inappropriate forces placed onto the joints assed.

Can Billericay Physiotherapy help?

Yes! physiotherapy can help by allowing you to understand the causes of your biomechanical dysfunction. A physiotherapist will plan a rehabilitation programme to help address your symptoms. A specific and progressive home exercise programme to improve flexibility, posture and strength is essential to manage your pain. Hands on physiotherapy may also be used including mobilisations, neural stretches, and soft tissue mobilisations. Manual therapy may help to increase range of movement, reduce pain and return to normal function. A foot orthotic may be necessary to place inside the shoe which the therapist would discuss on assessment.

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138 Kennel Lane, Billericay, Essex, CM11 2SU