Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning aims to develop the physical qualities required to achieve great technique in the sporting action, whether it be running, agility on the rugby pitch or serving a tennis ball.

The development of strength, power, speed, agility, mobility, flexibility, coordination, acceleration and deceleration are some areas a programme will focus on. It is not exclusive to the sports performer though and is crucial for the patient rehabilitating from injury to ensure they maintain health and well-being, and are more robust to injury in the future.

At the initial consultation we will conduct a thorough movement screen and other musculoskeletal tests to ensure an appropriate programme can be prescribed. The observations from the moment screen, will allow you to develop better movement control and address any movement dysfunctions.

Performance Coaching sessions

£55 for initial consultation (75 minutes)

£50 for a 60 minutes coaching session

01277654404 | 07814351857

138 Kennel Lane, Billericay, Essex, CM11 2SU